Double Your Impact.

High Holiday Campaign

Your donation will help bring the joy of our heritage, connection and support to so many in our community this year.

Together we can make this happen! 

For 36 hours every dollar you donate to Chabad Pelham will be matched by a group of extraordinary benefactors.

Let's hit the ground running for 5783!

Checks can be mailed to Chabad. If you plan to send a check, please notify us so that the donation can be counted towards the campaign.

Thank You! Wishing  you and your loved ones a happy and sweet new year. Shana Tovah!

B&C Weingarten
Hendel & Bracha Leah Weingarten
Heather Nash

Thank you for all you do!

Saadia & Chanie Weingarten

Gmar Chasima Tova! Moshiach Now!!

Nati Moshel
Moishe Litwak
Sholom Goldstein
Chayie and Sholom
Dabrushie Krinsky
Esther Reizes-Lowenbein
Moshe & Rosie
Bryna Telsner
Dvoiri Litvack
Avi and Chana Lesches
Sheina Weingarten
Igor Teleshevsky

Shana Tova ve-Chatima Tova

Newman Family
Rosenbaum Family

Levi & Chaya

Polesuk Family
Brodsky Family

Shana Tovah

Yossi & Chaya
Goldenberg Family

Levi & Chaya


Dedication to The Handler Family

Matt Shore

לשנה טובה לכל בית ישראל ונפש יהודי
In honor of Daicha, Rivkah, Dovid, Leah & Eli

Raskas Family